A downloadable mod

Included Features

  • Expanded socials and interactions for aliens, part-aliens, and those around them
  • New traits granted through gameplay
  • New relationship types
  • New brain power motive
  • New alien abilities
  • New Alien Lore Skill and computer forum
  • New lot trait and lot challenge
  • New gameplay for children and families
  • Smarter autonomy
  • Refined alien discovery and alien abductions
  • Interactive alien terrarium pets
  • Optional Cosmetic Module

Expanded socials and interactions for aliens, part-aliens, and those around them

  • New alien-themed conversation topics that take context, relationships, and past events into account.
  • Complain about your alien disguise, talk about your homeworld, share your thoughts on space, gossip about alien things, talk about the Earth, share stories of your space adventures, teach your teen the truth about abductions, and confess your alienness to your friends and family members.
  • Ask if a sim is an alien, convince other sims that aliens are real, complain about getting abducted – and share the dramatic story of it, warn sims not to follow the strange lights, and tell them all about the time you set foot on an alien planet.
  • New whimsets and reactive whimsets, as well as a Fear of Aliens trait that can generate based on your sims’ own unique personality and the gameplay context.

New traits granted through gameplay

  • Non-alien sims who discover that aliens are real will earn the Knows the Truth trait and enter into an exclusive world with new socials and gameplay effects.
  • Alien/human hybrids now have a visible trait in their traits panel that identifies them as a hybrid, have alien powers, and are recognized as aliens by those who discover them. They won’t be considered aliens in all situations, however.
  • A new Fear of Aliens trait, awarded when a sim has a negative experience discovering an Alien.

New relationship types

  • Keep track of those who’ve discovered your alien sims with a new relationship in their profile: Knows the Truth. This relationship is the other side of the one-sided Known Alien relationship.
  • Keep track of sims whose memories you’ve meddled with through the Memories Erased and Mind Wiped relationships. Only your sim will see this – the sims whose minds you’ve altered won’t know it was you!
  • Build an alliance of those who probably aren’t aliens with the Probably Aren’t Aliens relationship, awarded only to sims in the Know.
  • Other hidden relationships will keep track of who did/said what to who, evolving your game over time.

New brain power motive

  • This new visible brain power motive replaces alien and part-alien sims’ energy need. Brain power drains over time, is used up by alien mind powers, and can be recharged through sleep, moonbathing, or alien meditation, as well as other activities like drinking coffee or tea.
  • Toddlers unlock the brain power motive at level 3 of the Thinking skill, and learn alien meditation at Thinking level 5. The motive is automatically available for alien and part-alien sims age child and older.
  • This motive is crosspack compatible – vampire attacks, seances, being scared or terrified, Spa Day’s human meditation, and select other activities will drain brain power. Certain pack-specific activities can also restore brain power.
  • Level your sim’s logic skill to slow down their brain power drain, reduce how much brain power mind powers use, and defend against hostile mental invasions.
  • The motive is hybrid safe for part-aliens, for all hybrids except for vampires. To give a part-alien vampire the new motive, you’d need to remove their vampiricism first – to make a part-alien with the motive a vampire, please disable the motive by turning on testing cheats and shift-clicking to remove it.

New and refined alien abilities

  • The mod adds eight new alien abilities, with three immediately available to teens and up and the rest unlocked through gameplay. Alien abilities are now in their own pie menu, making them easier to find. Existing abilities have been tweaked to take advantage of new in-game capabilities.
  • Share Emotions, Probe Preferences, and Mind Wipe are available immediately, doing what you’d expect them to do. Share Emotions grants your target sim a +3 moodlet of the same emotion your alien is feeling, Probe Preferences will tell you the likes/dislikes/fears of your target, while Mind Wipe erases all of your target’s relationships and leaves them with the Missing Memories trait and a serious case of amnesia.
  • Memory Erase has been modified so that sims will no longer autonomously erase their spouses’ or friends’ memories. Instead, both Memory Erase and Mind Wipe will only happen autonomously if the alien is very angry and talking to someone they hate. Neither interaction will automatically cause a divorce – as marriage is a legally binding contract, and telepathy doesn’t include hiring lawyers.
  • Both Empathize and Share Emotions can trigger catharsis if if used when a sim is in a negative mood – empathizing with a sim in a bad mood will make that sim feel better, while the sim who shares their emotions will themselves feel better. Note that the bad mood has to be the dominant emotion.
  • Other abilities can be unlocked through the new Alien Lore skill and its related secret alien web forum and Sixam Online web store. Level up Alien Lore to access forbidden knowledge, highly illegal on Sixam and only available to proven scholars on Earth. Learn mind control powers such as Compel to Leave, Compel Handiness, and Compel Artistry. As with vampire and spellcaster powers, these can go wrong and backfire on your alien.

New Alien Lore Skill and computer forum

  • Aliens and part-aliens are able to immediately access the Outworlder Exchange, an exclusive web forum that’s hard to find. This forum is your portal to Sixam Online, the ecommerce store that has everything the busy alien infiltrator needs.
  • Buy Alien Lore books to read and level your Alien Lore skill, receiving different snippets of lore as you progress. Each level of Alien Lore unlocks more of the Outworlder Exchange, opening up new items to buy – unique books and skill books, collectible Alien flora and fauna, the infiltrator’s store with unique items, and eventually the private catalogue. This catalogue holds the books that teach the different uses of Compel.
  • There are two other abilities in the catalogue. These are Calm Werewolf (available to those with the Werewolves pack) and Protect/Dispel, which allows your alien to cancel compulsions – even on themselves.
  • Non-aliens must learn about the existence of the forums before they can access them. There are several different ways to do this, including asking aliens about alien history and reading books that have been left out… Non-aliens with high enough Alien Lore can even learn the Protect half of Protect/Dispel, making them less vulnerable to mind control, including vampiric mind control.

New gameplay for children and families

  • This mod adds 25 new and converted animations to allow alien and part-alien children to learn and use the three basic mind powers (Empathize, Analyze Personality, and Erase Memories). These abilities can be successfully learned when the child has a high enough Logic level.
  • Parents can also teach their children about brain power, helping to increase their toddlers’ and children’s mental abilities. Make sure to level your parenting skill for better outcomes – or, if you don’t have that pack, your charisma and logic.
  • Family gameplay is crosspack compatible with the Parenthood pack. Children and teens who use their mind powers will gain or lose empathy or conflict resolution as appropriate. Parents can also discipline their children, either rewarding them or punishing them for different uses of mind powers.

New lot trait and lot challenge

  • The v3.5 update adds in a new lot trait and lot challenge, the Conspiracy Hub and Mysterious Skies.
  • Mysterious Skies dramatically increases the likelihood for your sim to be abducted by aliens, letting a human sim quickly learn the Truth, and giving them a reason to find a way to make the abduction stops. This lot challenge may also be useful for a unique take on the hundred baby challenge.
  • The Conspiracy Hub is intended for sims who Know the Truth to find others also in the Know. It is available for bars, lounges, libraries, parks, and generic lots, and will spawn in conspiracy theorists and a Lead Conspiracist from 9AM to 9PM. The conspiracists will offer different pieces of lore, and the Lead Conspiracist will offer a quest to infiltrate the aliens, allowing the Knows Truth sim to purchase scientist serums and eventually a SimRay and satellite dish once the quest is complete.

New special NPCs

  • There are three new special premade NPCs that will appear in new saves after the v3.5 update. These include two Lead Conspiracists at level 1o of the Scientist career as well as a secretive alien leader. For existing saves, randomized sims will spawn in to fill these roles.
  • These sims can be safely added to your household and will still keep their careers and special functionality. Please note that you cannot purchase items from the Lead Conspiracist if they are a household member, so visit the lot without them to spawn a NPC leader that you can buy from.

Smarter autonomy

  • Aliens will keep their cover better, only using friendly mind powers on those who are already in the “Know” – this includes other aliens, part-aliens, and non-aliens who have learned the truth about them. There is a risk that they’ll forget themselves around close friends, however.
  • Undisguised bar nights have been banned by the order of the Pollination Technician! Aliens will automatically disguise themselves when in normal human society to avoid breaking cover – this includes your aliens. These rules apply every time you change lots or load into the game. On Sixam, or during special events, Aliens will continue to load in undisguised.
  • If you’d like your aliens to stay in whatever state (disguised or undisguised) you put them in, click on them and select “Forego Disguise.” However, if you do so, be aware that they may wander around undisguised when you’re playing a different household. If you change your mind, you can resume hiding by selecting “Resume Hiding.”

Refined alien discovery and alien abductions

  • Alien discovery has been overhauled – sims will now have moodlets based on their traits, the alien’s traits, their relationship, and the circumstances instead of a random outcome. A poor discovery can generate a Fear of Aliens in the discover-er that they then need to navigate.
  • The alien abduction event treats aliens, part-aliens, servos, geeks, and scientists appropriately. These sims will never receive the Fear of Aliens trait from being abducted. Neither servos nor aliens will be impregnated during an abduction event. Because that’s weird.
  • You can prevent a non-alien sim from getting abducted through gameplay. If you choose to restart abductions, with your sim now getting abducted voluntarily, the sim will receive a boost and a benefit from each abduction and will also be protected from the Fear of Aliens trait.
  • Aliens and those abducted voluntarily will always get a gentle landing on their return, and sims will not freeze or burn to death in bad weather.

Interactive alien terrarium pets

  • Alien terrarium creatures have been updated to include a hunger motive, a relationship bar, and five different unique interactions.
  • Hunger will go down over time – keep your pets fed to build relationship with them! They require feeding about once per day to avoid becoming famished.
  • Talk to or view your pet – talking to your pet will make your sim feel better if they’re feeling down, and viewing your pet will increase your fun motive.
  • Unique alien-specific interactions, with a sliiiight chance of death. Feed your pet your emotions (aka psychic energies) to reset your sim’s moodlets and gain a +10 fine buff that will last two days. This can be very helpful if your alien sim needs to maintain their cover, and can be life-saving if they’re at risk of an emotional death. However, these creatures have a big appetite, so take care.

Optional cosmetic module

  • The Alien Randomizer is an optional module that will randomize hair and eyebrows onto NPC and played aliens in CAS.
  • This module includes 65 adult hairs, 43 child hairs, 22 toddler hairs, and 8 infant hairs, as well as all eyebrows. The available randomized colors include neutral black, white, purple pastel, hot pink, dark blue, turquoise, and green.
  • An additional file will prevent "bald" hair from randomizing, forcing all alien sims to appear with one of the hairs. However, all existing bald sims - including premades such as Vlad - will be flagged as having CC. If you do not want this, you can also try using the MC Dresser module of MC Command Center.

The Fine Print

Because this mod introduces new traits, relationship types, skills, and NPCs, it is best experienced in a fresh save file. You can, however, use cheats to assign a number of the gameplay traits, including trait_OccultAlienPart to create an alien/human hybrid, trait_KnowsTheTruth to loop your non-alien sim into the Know, or trait_AlienDescendant to mark your sim as a second generation alien.

Compatibility Notes

Aliens Reloaded is compatible with most other mods, except for other aliens mods, anything that edits the alien terrarium creatures, and anything that overrides the Sixam region description. However it is compatible with baniduhaine’s Alien Bloodlines and More Dormant Occults mods.

Note that for the brain power motive and trait inheritance to work as intended, you will need the Lot 51 Core Library (a third-party utility available from the Lot 51 website or from CurseForge). Please always use the latest version of Lot 51 Core Library.

The Crosspack file includes changes to several gameplay elements found in other packs, including Werewolves, Vampires, For Rent, and Life and Death, that cannot be injected using Lot 51 Core Library. If there is a conflict, they can be safely deleted. Most crosspack functionality is in the main mod and will continue to work.

Lastly, if you do play with MCCC, the MC Occult module includes several overrides for alien abductions including one that is on by default. Please disable these and set abductions to their base default for this to play as intended. MCCC will override this mod.



MAIN MOD: Aliens Reloaded - v3.5 4.7 MB
OPTIONAL: Alien Randomizer 78 MB

Install instructions

Please unzip Aliens Reloaded and/or Alien Randomizer into your mods folder (ex: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/Kayaker_GtW_AliensReloaded_vXX) and delete previous versions.

Note that Lot 51 Core Library is a required prerequisite for Aliens Reloaded. Please download the latest copy of Lot 51 Core Library from the Lot 51 website. The Lot 51 Core Library folder should be placed in the top level of your mods folder (ex: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/lot51_core_vXXX). Please have only one copy at a time.

Aliens Reloaded is a Get to Work mod and it requires the Sims 4 DLC Get to Work to function.

Development log